One Strike Filler 1Ltr
One Strike Filler 1Ltr
11 in stock
Trade friendly 1Ltr tub
Everbuild One Strike is an all purpose filler. Use this ready mixed product to fix holes and correct damage on any non-metallic or non-plastic surface. It’s suitable for repairing plaster, stone, brick, wood or render.
One application is enough to fill holes up to 75mm deep, which means you don't have to build up multiple layers of filler. It's also made of a lightweight polymeric formula, which reduces the need for sanding and stops it from sagging, shrinking and slumping.
• Ready to use, ultra light multi purpose filler paste
• Non shrinking and non slumping
• Overpaint or stain with most solvent-based or emulsion paints
• Waterproof
• Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
• None to minimal sanding required
• Paint or paper over in 30 minutes
Design, Supply and Fit
Having trouble finding an electrician? No problem, Luminosity Designs has its own fitting service to the local area. Why not contact us to arrange an appointment.