Info on Discount Codes
We would like to inform our customers that we do not use 3rd party voucher sites.
This means if you go to a site looking for a discount code and we come up then they just want your personal information. They do not have a code that will work on our website.
All our discount codes are attached to the customers log in or email address. That means when you create your customer account we can tag a discount code onto that account and only the account holder can use it. We issue these if we want to treat a loyal customer, want to apologise for late shipping or just say thank you. (if you change your email and have a discount code please let us know so we can add your email onto that code)
Occasionally we will do a special seasonal discount for items such as gifts at Christmas etc, this will be clearly publicised on out home page and Facebook and the discount code will be visible for all to see in our page banners. But mostly when we do a sale we just reduce the items rather than issuing a code, its much easier for all involved.
In both cases our discount codes are randomly generated and a mix of numbers/letters/symbols so if you see any codes that have real words in them..thats not us =)